I have been especially spoiled for choice for sailing video to watch this winter.
The racing in the Volvo Ocean race has been very tight. Check it out here bellow. There is also a daily video report and loads of other information at: http://www.volvooceanrace.com/en/home.html
I have also been enjoying the last two events of the extreem 40 catamara series. It's on Youtube here:
Earlier this year I also watched the medal race coverage of the Olympic Classes regatta in Abu Dhabi. I did watch all of this 6hr video, but I didn't do it in one sitting. Work and such got in the way.
The Barelona World race is on right now with double handed teams racing non stop around the world in open 60's. Hugo Boss was doing great! Until they lost their rig and now their out. That only leaves one English speaking boat, Conrad Colman on "Spirit of Hungary" It's quite a good story how he came to be on the boat and they are producing some interesting content, but unfortunately they are in last place. Check out the race here: http://www.barcelonaworldrace.org/en/
I have neglected this blog a bit since last summer. I would like to get back on track and produce a weekly post again. Watch this space!