Thursday, August 12, 2010

Upcoming events at KYC

Upcoming events at KYC

The KYC 505 fleet is holding a mentor night.  We invite all students who have achieved bronze 4 to come out and sail a 505 with KYC members.  If you are a White III and you are interested in sailing a 505, contact me and we can discuss your proficiency.
Following the sailing, there will be a meeting to discuss the refurbishment of a 505 that was donated to KYC to serve in our training fleet.
Meet at KYC to rig up at 5:30, or earlier if you are able.
There are other interesting projects coming up in the near future.  Stay tuned for announcements about:
Commodore's Cup sailing schools regatta begins Aug. 30th
Fall Learn to sail Sept. 11,12,18,19
Fall Learn to race Sept 19th ,25th and Oct 3rd , regatta on Oct. 10th
2011 Spring School Learn to Sail and Learn to Race.  Leads up to an intercollegiate regatta at the end of May 2011